Det tog några år, men nu har jag äntligen klippt bort mitt långa slitna hår. Det kändes lite konstigt i några dagar, men har vant mig. Ska bara skaffa mig en hårtork så att jag kan kanske få lite volym i håret. Det var meningen att jag skulle ha med en bild på hur kort det blev, tyvärr så hamnade inte bilden på disketten av någon anledning.
Sätter in två andra bilder istället:
Så här mycket gillar Murre snön.

Så här ser det ut från mitt fönster. Bilden togs i förrgår (25/3-06).
2 kommentarer:
Noooooooo, I don't believe it, you have cut off your lovely, long, brown hair. I hope it grows back as quick as your Dad's.
I also can't believe that you still had that much snow, only a few days ago. Poor Murre, he looks as fond as fond of snow as Mungojerrie does water.
Wow, I love the view out of your window, I hope that one day we can come to Falun and visit you, it would be nice.
just out of curiosity...what is the best way from Västerås to Falun and, roughly, what do you think it might cost?
Don't worry, we have already planned all our holidays for 2006 and 2007, but it might be something worth bearing in mind.
Regarding the view ot of your window; I hope you appriceate it, because in England you would have to pay an awful lot of money for a view like that.
Flats here usually only have views overlooking other flats or buildings, never anything showing the countryside, unless you pay for a "penthouse suite" which costs around 10 times more than a normal flat (if a normal flat costs 100,000 kronor, a penthouse would cost a million kronor). I assume this to be more than you would afford, because it is more than I would, anyway. The moral of the story is: remember, enjoy your view, whether or not you like snow.
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